


لعبة lol على الهاتف اتفاق ريوت مع تينسينت Riot Games

مثل متدرون اللعبة حتصير عالموبايل... فاذا طشت يم ربعنا وصارت اللعبة بمتناول المعدان:

1-الرب مال لعبة بمكان فيكر يصير علي المرجاني. 
2-بث مباشر عاللعبه بكل مكان نابص وماكو يوتيوبر ميسحسل نفسه عالمشاهدات
3-ناس تغلط عاللعبة لان معجبتهم يردون تنح واضرب مثل "بووبجي".
4- الكيم نولدج يصير عبارة عن شلون تعرف تضرب المينيون كبل ليموت وتخمط فلوسه.
5- اللي ياخذ سمايت ويلعب جنكل هذا يصاحب بنات المنطقه كلهن.
6-اللي رانكه سلفر يكوم ميحجي وية جماعته بعد.
7-صور محافظ وكفرات مال موبايل بصور ياسو وزيد والقط مال المحلات يصير بالقندرة "حيشى القارئين".
8- اذا طشت حيل احتمال المرجعية تطلع تحجي بيهة بصلاة الجمعه على الفسوق مال ahri والاستنياج مال ايفلين وتاثيرهة السلبي عالشباب.
واحتمال جماعة الصدر يمسحون اللعبة.
9- الكروب هذا يطفح اعضاء واكوم اسوي فديوات وارجع ليورة والعب بالفلوس لعب واحتمال زاك يفتحله ملهى بروسيا.
10- علي المصري يطكله جزيرة سياحية بالامارات ومحد يعرف اخباره
11- البرلمان يحضر اللعبه ورة متطش ونلم جوالاتنا وكلمن. لبيته.

The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”

لا يتوفر وصف للصورة.

In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later.”
“Nonsense” said the first. “There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be?”
The second said, “I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now.”
The first replied, “That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded.”
The second insisted, “Well I think there is something and maybe it’s different than it is here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore.”
The first replied, “Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere.”
“Well, I don’t know,” said the second, “but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us.”
The first replied “Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?”
The second said, “She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist.”
Said the first: “Well I don’t see Her, so it is only logical that She doesn’t exist.”
To which the second replied, “Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above.”
-- Útmutató a Léleknek

I see many people like to support people they don't

I see many people like to support people they don't even know like celebrities on TV.
What about your local friends and family that have put thought and intention behind the things they create?
Did you know I published a book about how I utilized meditation, yoga to take my self out of depression?
In the link below is a little bit of the book if you like what you are reading, Many more insights and thoughts I received throughout my process are included in the book.
You are essentially reading my journal entries, raw, unfiltered, non gmo, cage free, 100% Grade A Me.

"Fun House"

In this video we go over the Element of Water where I choose a random subject to reflect and talk about. Today's topic is DMT Experiences.
One thing I forgot to mention is a space I call the "Fun House". This is a space where if you are not grounded and disciplined mentally and emotionally you will remain here as a training ground before you are ready for other worldly experiences.
You will notice many rooms and patterns similar to mandalas and it will draw you in because your mind may be undisciplined to pull away. You must develop the awareness and discipline to be still even in the beauty of it, to direct one's own consciousness towards a greater purpose.
Want more information on The Mindful Elements Program? Visit:
► [32] Pages of Packet information Based on these Topics.
► Learn to Begin Creating Habits of Self Awareness
► Learn to Label Emotions
► Learn Your Own Personal Ritual
► Take Home Assignments To Solidify Our Beliefs
► Be added to a Phone App that Gamifies the Experience for 1 Full Year of Daily Quests and Habit Shifting Exercises!
Visit my website if you would like me to assist you on a personal one on one session.


Every time I miss you, I remember I am just missing the ability to be seen by another.
-The Water Magister

The making of this talisman has an interesting story. Aside from the name it gave to me. During the making process I had an epiphany that I was recreating a talisman based on what someone shared with me in a symbolic form.
My process of talisman making is I am not sure what I am creating until it is finished, once done I ask what its purpose or name is.
But in this instance I knew exactly what was being made.
I was listening to viking music when I made this piece and what was shared with me was the following: When we go into the void or the darkness, our backs are faced towards the light and we think we are in total darkness. But the further you progress into the shadow the deeper you drill a hole that the light hitting your back can penetrate, for the moment you decide to turn and face the light, you realize it was always shining on you.
The other symbology is based on the image attached regarding the tree roots. You must experience both sides to truly find the balance in things. The more you explore one side, it creates the allowance for the opposite side to be expressed and felt.
Now when you look at this piece you notice the tree pendant representing the light along with the two citrine pieces accentuated by the gold triangles. This is followed by the black kyanite symbolizing our darkness or void or the roots of the tree. On top of the kyanite is a single piece of lemurian quartz that is diving down into the darkness with purpose, knowing it is safe to turn around to experience more of it's divinity.
You are that quartz piece, plunging yourself into the darkness so that you can shine more light on aspects of yourself that you have ran from.
The talisman Asger is made with the following:
(1) Black Kyanite, (2) cut Citirines, (1) Lemurian Quartz, (1) Tree Pendant,
a silver Triskelion and a Mystery Wood.
This talisman is designed assist with exploration of your shadow.
The name Asger refers to the Spear of God in viking mythology.
On the back of this talisman is the sigil of Cho go Pal Burned into the wood with a drop of Ormus mixed with the ashes from the Burning man Temple burn of 2018. This ash was mixed with rain water to revitalize and reconstruct and burned down using an alchemical process. THe ash contained is powerful due to the fact that during the temple burn many artifacts and objects with great sentimental value was offered to the temple which carries strong amounts of love.
Kyanite transmits and amplifies high-frequency energies, making it a great stone for attunements and meditation. Kyanite brings a calming, tranquilizing energy to the body. Kyanite clears and calms you in preparation for meditation, and assists in receiving intuitive and psychic thoughts, as well as dream recall. Kyanite restores Qi (or Ki) to the physical body, and balances yin/yang energies.
Black Kyanite aids in the manifestation of vision and clairvoyance. Full of healing energy, Black Kyanite is a favorite among energy healers, and is especially helpful in body layouts.
Citrine crystal will be extremely valuable to you because it’s not only a spiritual cleanser (just like Selenite), it can also regenerate your spiritual self. Every day, your spirit gets exposed to external energies that are both harmful and good for the spirit.
Considered one of the "Master Crystals", Lemurian Quartz Crystals teach oneness, reminding us that while we are all individuals, we are also connected to each other, and that we are all equal in Spirit. Lemurian Quartz Crystals help us maintain our connection to Spirit, aiding spiritual evolution, and have been used successfully in dream work. Lemurian Quartz crystals are a wonderful tool to use when clearing and activating the Chakras. An amazing healing crystal, Lemurian Quartz will assist in removing all types of energy blockages.
Price $129 includes shipping.
For additional questions contact me


فرعون وهويغرق قال أغثنى ياموسى سبعون مرةولم يغثه فأوحى الله لكليمه موسى ياموسى استغاث بك فرعون سبعين مرةولم تغثه وعزتى وجلالى لواستغاث بى مرة لوجدنى قريبا مجيبافقال أحدالصالحين يارب إذاكان هذالطفك ورحمتك بمن قال {أناربكم الأعلى}فكيف سيكون لطفك بعبادك فأكثروامن الاستغفار #همسة

الإمارات: تعرض 4 سفن تجارية لأعمال تخريب

أخبار الآن | دبي - الإمارات العربية المتحدة (وكالات)
أكدت وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي في الإمارات أن 4 سفن شحن تجارية مدنية من عدة جنسيات، تعرضت صباح الأحد لعمليات تخريبية بالقرب من المياه الإقليمية للدولة.
هذه العمليات جرت باتجاه الساحل الشرقي بالقرب من إمارة الفجيرة وبالقرب من المياه الإقليمية وفي المياه الاقتصادية لدولة الإمارات.
وقالت الوزارة في بيان لها، نقلته وكالة الأنباء الرسمية "وام"، إن الجهات المعنية في الإمارات قامت باتخاذ كافة الإجراءات اللازمة، وجاري التحقيق حول ظروف الحادث بالتعاون مع الجهات المحلية والدولية، وستقوم الجهات المعنية بالتحقيق برفع النتائج حين الانتهاء من إجراءاتها.
وأشارت إلى أن العمليات التخريبية لم تنتج عنها أي أضرار بشرية أو إصابات، كما لا يوجد أي تسرب لأي مواد ضارة أو وقود من هذه السفن.
وأكدت أن العمل يسير في ميناء الفجيرة بشكل طبيعي وبدون أي توقف، وأن الشائعات التي تحدثت عن وقوع الحادث داخل الميناء عارية عن الصحة ولا أساس لها، وأن الميناء مستمر في عملياته الكاملة بشكل روتيني.
وشددت وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي في الإمارات على أن تعريض السفن التجارية لأعمال تخريبية وتهديد حياة طواقمها يعتبر تطوراً خطيراً، مؤكدة على ضرورة قيام المجتمع الدولي بمسؤولياته لمنع أي أطراف تحاول المساس بأمن وسلامة حركة الملاحة البحرية وهذا يعتبر تهديدا للأمن والسلامة الدولية.

The 7 Hermetic Principles for Self-Mastery Mentalism

The 7 Hermetic Principles for Self-Mastery
1..The Principle of Mentalism: The All is mind; The Universe is Mental.
2. The Principle of Correspondence:
As above, so below; as below, so above. As within, so without; as without, so within.
3.The Principle of Vibration:
Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates.
.4 The Principle of Polarity:
Everything is dual; Everything has poles; Everything has its pair of opposites; Like and unlike are the same; Opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; Extremes meet; All truths, are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.
5. The Principle of Rhythm:
Everything flows, out and in; Everything has its tides; All things rise and fall; The pendulum swing manifests in everything; The measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; Rhythm compensates.
6. The Principle of Cause & Effect:
Every cause has its effect; Every effect has its cause; Everything happens according to law’ Chance is but a name for law not recognized’ There are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.
7. The Principle of Gender:
Gender is in everything; Everything has its masculine and feminine principles; Gender manifests on all planes...
Here I'm explaining first princple and if you like and wish I explain all seven then next post I will post it...so let me explain first now..below.
This first principle embodies the truth that ‘All is Mind.’ Meaning, the Universe itself, at an underlying and foundational level, is Mental. That all phenomena of life, matter and energy of the material universe are thoughts of an infinite and universal, living Mind. Which means all things share a connection in the fact they exist within the Mind of ‘THE ALL’, as it is put, and therefore are all subject to the laws of created things. This Mental Universe, for the sake of experiment, could be explained as an infinite intelligence, intelligent field, and even the nature of consciousness itself. Creating a dialogue of thought, which dances with thought.
The Principle of Mentalism, explains the nature of ‘energy,’ ‘power,’ and ‘matter’ as being subordinate to the Mind, as it shows up within ourselves and the pervading nature of all things.
When you view everything you think, and therefore do, as an interaction of thought with thought, you develop an understanding of the first principle of Mentalism, which allows you to grasp the the laws of the Mental Universe, being the 7 Hermetic Principles, and apply them to your well-being and personal advancement. Like using the knowledge of the Principle of Polarity, which is the fourth Hermetic principle, to understand that love and hate are the same intensity of emotion, varying only in degree. And through the power of the mind, can be transferred from one degree to another by the power of objective thinking and conscious choice. The two emotions maintain their intensity, only changing in degree to suit whatever outcome and experience you most desire. This is possible by the law of Mentalism to influence other laws, and the ability for the mental plane to influence what happens on other planes.
In Hermeticism, there are many descriptions of different planes, levels or dimenions of existence, that overlay atop one another. They are usually depicted as layers of a concentric circle, where the inner-layers are more foundational and influence the outer layers. In Hermeticism, there are three Great Planes: the mental plane, physical plane, and spiritual plane. Which have varying lesser-planes between them that differ in degrees between undifferentiated matter and spirit.
From a first person perspective, the mental plane is experienced simply as thought, insight, intuition, and reason. But wisdom of how this plane corresponds with other, unseen, or causal planes, tells us that there may be more to our thoughts than we perceive. That our thoughts are not tied simply to the physical plane, and have an effect on an energetic and spiritual level, which is less obvious but still very real.

After two centuries of service for Christianity, and 700 years after their execution ...

ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‏أشخاص يقفون‏ و‏نص‏‏‏

After two centuries of service for Christianity, and 700 years after their execution ... 

"be still, and know that I am your God"...
At his execution, De Molay, the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, summoned both King Phillip and Pope Clement V before God, the Supreme Judge, before the year was over. Within 8 months, Philip IV died by stroke while hunting and Clement had succumbed to a long illness at the same year de Molay was executed.
This comes to reinforce my insistance on you asking judgement by God when you cope with injustices which take your power away, allowing perpetrators to feed on your strenght.
On April 23, I wrote the article "Notre Dame and the Akashic records.", refering to Notre Dame burning in flames as ... "The Akashic records register this as an end and a beginning, a call to justice of those using good faith of people, and God's name, to enslave the population."
It is time, as guided, to add another piece at this portion of the puzzle.
The Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem...
The Templars, were monks and soldiers, a union in the Templar of the man of prayer and the man of war, who vowed like other religious brothers to lives of chastity, poverty, and obedience. In october 1314, The Templars were arrested throughout France. It thus begun a period of 7 years of torture of Templars to force them confess to specific crimes, followed by execution of those who didn't accept. Templars' persecution, tortures and executions had multiple rationale as their disaperance brought benefits to numerous actors across the world. However, the core, the essence of it resides in vicious quest of one tresure - the same one that led to Jesus' torture and crucification... the enlightenment path, teachings of Jesus.
Jesus' mission was to bring Ascension, the enlightenment, and Resurection through Ascension on earth. It was not his purpose, or God's will, that this would happen by crucification. It was the religious and political leaders who tortured and killed Jesus. God simply turned it into a miracle through Resurection, to restore Jesus' innocence. The Templars built an organization which blended spiritual and real life warfare, the monk-soldier. They had multiple goals, but I will list only those relevant to the core message of thus article - to protect pilgrims in Jerusalem, to protect the cross and Christianity in crusades, but more importantly to protect Jesus' teachings how to increase awareness, how to Ascend by rising consciousness, to embrace and embody the Divinity within yourself. It was this treasure the criminals were seeking, aside from money... to monopolize the ultimate power - for their own benefit and to enslavement of others by mental programing and artificially created bondage in Astral realm.
The accusations made at Templars were carefuly chosen to demonize practices that lead you to that path. Those torture practices pursued 7 years at Templars were designed to specifically affect those energy centers and channels, nerves and organs, used to facilitate Ascension, in such a destructive way that humankind would never be able to pursue the path of enlightment, due to traumas and karmic behavious imprinted in their DNA code. You can find the same practices in tortures pursued by Nazi Germany, by communists in Eastern Europe political prisons. The struggle of our healings today deal specifically with the consequences of those tortures.
New "teachings" were invented with the goal to take the Lightworkers into territory of limited power and understanding of the process itself, while keepingbthem prisoners to the bondage created without their knowledge. New rules appeared and power structures in Astral realm to preclude and/or intimidate attempts to seek the truth. Ocult practices, witchcraft, dark magic, satanist rituals begun to become a practice.
Against the backdrop of all of this and their consequences on humankind, God decided to send energetic upgrades to wash-off the dark energy they've covered us in. The pains we all go (or went) through are not from uploads of energy too pure. It is the programming they've done at us throughout numerous embodiments/incarnations that we're releasing.
Notre Dame was one of those vortex used by the Matrix to send informed energy for the above mentioned purpose, and the burning down had the purpose of purification, but also of making justice... to the Templars.
As stated in numerous articles, it is easy to find out the truth and get justice for yourself - call on God to reveal, judge and punish, so you can break the bondage, cut the cords which feed them to your power and gifts.
For the Templars, I make this call, sending gratitude to the Grand Master De Molay and all Knights Templar for their service, loyalty and sacrifice, and,
With the Akashia element in me ... as creator of NOW momentum in time,
... I claim justice for the Order of Templars, for each and every Knight Templar.
I ask God Father from Holy Trinity to judge and punish according to actions and intentions, according to harm done, harm intended, and harm facilitated.
I ask the role of Knights Templar to be restored in human consciousness. Amen.
Prophet, Akashic Records Reader

رئيس إيران يقول : الضغوط تمثل حربا سافرة وغير مسبوقة بتاريخ الثورة

بي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN)—قال الرئيس الإيراني، حسن روحاني، إن الضغوط التي يمارسها "الأعداء" تمثل حربا "سافرة وغير مسبوقة" في تاريخ الثورة الإسلامية للبلاد، على حد تعبيره.
قد يهمك أيضاً

كيف "سيدمر خامنئي الأسطول الأمريكي".. رجل دين إيراني يتحدث عن "سيناريو" الرد

ونقلت وكالة الأنباء الإيرانية الرسمية على لسان روحاني قوله: "اليوم لا يمكن القول إن ظروفنا الراهنة أسوء أو أفضل من أيام حرب الثماني سنوات (1980-1988) لم نكن نعاني خلال تلك الفترة من مشاكل في البنوك وبيع النفط والتوريد والتصدير والحظر الوحيد المفروض علينا كان للسلاح".
وتابع قائلا: "الشعب كان متفقا خلال فترة الحرب المفروضة على إيران أن الحكومة لا تتحمل مسؤولية المشاكل التي تعاني منها البلاد بل أن العراق في عهد صدام البائد اعتدي على إيران وبدأ الحرب، كانت الظروف جيدة نسبيا في تلك الفترة ولو لم تكن مثالية كون الشعب كان متفقا ويساهم في حل المشاكل".
وتأتي تصريحات روحاني بعد إعلان البحرية الأمريكية دخول حاملة الطائرات أبراهام لينكولين إلى البحر الأحمر عبر قناة السويس، في خطوة تلاها إعلان إرسال البارجة الحربية الأمريكية أرلينغتون وصواريخ باتريوت إضافية إلى المنطقة، وسط تقارير استخباراتية أمريكية عن تحركات إيرانية لنقل صواريخ بالستية متوسطة المدى على متن قوارب صغيرة تابعة للحرس الثوري الإيراني.   
  • أمريكا
  • إيران
  • العراق
  • العقوبات على إيران
  • حسن روحاني
  • صدام حسين

تم اكتشاف مانع اعلانات

موقعنا يستمر بفضل الإعلانات لذايرجى ايقاف مانع الإعلانات لمواصلة التصفح

تم التعطيل